Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Fwd: Home School or Private School Not a Factor in Making Millions?

 Public School, Private School, Home School

So 85% of millionaires next door went to Public Schools.  And the point is? Maybe I'm missing the point since there are many other factors such as how folks save and spend their money.  Or how they have invested.  I would guess that socialization would be far down the list of factors.

Also, the point about parents finding the best public schools...The key there is parental involvement.  There are some home school curriculums that are nothing more than sitting your kids in front of a TV and letting the video instructor teach them.  If the parents are involved whether it be home school, public school or private shool...The child will in most cases be more successful in school and in life.

-- Sent from my Palm Pre

How did I get so much cool?
Matthew Stertz

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